Indianapolis, IN — (September 20, 2022) Indy Reads today released its Impact Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. As the organization forges ahead into a new program year, it is vital to take a moment and honor all the hard work that made last year a success.
Indy Reads builds the literacy, English language, and job readiness skills to empower adults and their families to reach their full potential. The transparent and comprehensive report features the organization’s financials, program and community metrics, as well as reflections from volunteers, staff, and Indy Reads’ Chief Executive Officer, Ruba Marshood.
“I am deeply grateful to work with our students, board of directors, volunteers, staff, and all of our supporters,” Marshood said. “This community has demonstrated a real passion and enthusiasm for the implications of our vision. When we come together to ensure we all have access to literacy, we see that we all have access to civic engagement and community development. Together, we realize our adult learners have limitless potential for societal impact.”
View the complete Impact Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 here.