Free English language classes for non-native English speakers in central Indiana

Interested in an Indy Reads ELL class?
English classes are full right now.
Complete this form and we will contact you when space in class is available.
Practice English this week! Join our free in-person Conversation Circles on Sundays. The Conversation Circle group meets every Sunday from 3-4pm at 1066 Virginia Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46203. Click here to learn about ELL Conversation Circles.
English language classes at Indy Reads are full for the 2024-2025 program year.
Indy Reads’ English Language Learners (ELL) classes support adult learners at all levels of the English literacy spectrum as they develop their speaking, listening, reading, writing, and comprehension skills to unlock their economic and social potential. All of Indy Reads’ classes are FREE for students.
Our Community Classroom model offers highly individualized lesson plans that incorporate the goals of each student. Led by Indy Reads’ certified instructors, our ELL classes are supported by trained classroom volunteers. This means that students often work in small groups to practice their English language skills, which leads to better learning outcomes.
Students attend class six hours a week in-person, online, or hybrid. Our ELL classes are full for the 2024-2025 program year.